Apply now for the Means Tested Senior Exemption

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Fiscal Year 2023 Town of Sudbury

Program Information and Filing Instructions
To qualify for the Sudbury Means Tested Senior Exemption applicants must meet age, income,
ownership, residency and assessed value requirements as identified below. In addition, the value of all
financial assets owned will be considered when determining an applicant’s eligibility.
 Age 65 years or over.
 Calendar Year 2021 Income not to exceed the following (as determined by the 2021 Massachusetts
State Income Tax Schedule CB).
1. $62,000 or less for a single filer or
2. $93,000 or less for joint filers, or
3. $78,000 for head of household.
 Own and occupy the property. Owner or co-owner must have lived in Sudbury for at least 10
consecutive years.
 The assessed value of the home cannot exceed the prior year’s average assessed value of a
Sudbury single-family home plus 10%. That means this year’s maximum allowable assessed value
is: $881,813
 The applicant must not own “excessive assets” that place him/her outside of the intended recipients
of this exemption.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Assessor’s Office either by phone: 978-639-3395 or
by email: [email protected].

Click here for the FY 2023 Senior Means Exemption App

Click here for the 2021-massachusetts-schedule-cb