Sign-up Information
Please note: We have a new registration procedures for our fitness classes. The goal is to assist both participants and staff in keeping track of start and end dates for class sessions. Fitness classes will now run in sessions of about 6-8 weeks and will all begin during the same week and end during the same week.
Registration will take place two weeks prior to the start of the class session.
Fall 1 Sessions: Classes will start the week of September 9 and run through November1 (8 weeks). Registration will be from August 26 through September 6. Payments are due by September 6.
Fall 2 Sessions: Classes will start the week of November 4 and run through December 20 (6 weeks). Registration will be from October 21 through November 1. Payments are due by November 1.
Please note: Session length may vary based on class start date and any holidays which might coincide with class schedule.
Please contact the Sudbury Senior Center at (978) 443-3055 for any additional inquiries.
Some of the fitness classes we offer:
- Fit for the Future with Lois Leav
- T’ai Chi
- Zumba Gold
- Wellness Lab
- Tap Dance
- Strength and Balance – Hybrid class
- Drums Alive
- Chair Yoga – Hybrid class
- Mat Yoga