Mystic Beads: Bracelet Beading Workshop

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Date: Tuesday, February 25

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Class Fee: $15.00  Payment to be made directly to the instructor. Cash or check accepted. Checks are to be made payable to: Sue Underwood

Registration deadline: Thursday, February 20th

To register, call the Sudbury Senior Center at (978) 443- 3055 or email us at: [email protected]


Join us in this fun workshop where you will string beads and create your bracelet. This class includes step-by-step instructions and the use of tools. Each Student will select beads. Instructions will be given on placement, design, and final layout. The instructor will provide step-by-step instructions on attaching clasps and securing all ends and final assembly.

This workshop has to have a minimum of 5 participants to run and a maximum of 10 participants in total. Do not miss the deadline to register.